
Man helping woman after car wreck injury

Hit and Run Accidents

January 22, 2017
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Hit and Run Accidents occur everyday. Automobile accidents are extremely costly: Medical bills, Lost time on the job, and Vehicle property damage all add up quickly. Generally this damage is […]

Digital Distractions: The Dangers of Texting and Driving

December 20, 2016
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Instant text message communication is a part of our daily lives. Roughly nine-in-ten Americans own a cellphone and nearly two-thirds own a smartphone. One of the easiest and most convenient […]

Car Accident: Breach of Duty

August 4, 2014
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Car Accident: Breach of Duty Tort is the body of law governing replacement of damage stripped from victims in Car Accidents and other personal injury cases. You need a Franklin […]

Comparative Fault

July 20, 2014
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Tennessee personal injury victims should consider their relative fault when seeking accident compensation. Car wrecks, slip or trip, and other injury awards may be reduced when the injured party contributed […]


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