What happens if you get into a car accident with no insurance in Tennessee?

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What happens if you get into a car accident with no insurance in Tennessee?

Insurance has no impact on determining fault after a car accident. The person who caused the car accident is liable for damages regardless of whether they have insurance. If you are more than 50% at fault for a car accident with no insurance then expect to pay for the other driver’s damages and your own losses out of your pocket. Further, driving without car insurance in the state of Tennessee is a Class A misdemeanor if you are involved in an auto accident that results in bodily injury or death. Penalties include fines up to $2,500 and a jail sentence of up to one year.

A car accident with no insurance makes a bad situation worse. As a Car Accident Lawyer George Angelopoulos represents those with and without insurance. Time following a car wreck is critical. Gathering evidence to prove fault is important. Reversing an initial liability decision is not easy. Failing to establish liability will have a long term consequences. If you are found at fault you owe damages and possibly legal bills from a defense lawyer. 615 Lawyer does not send personal injury clients a bill. Fees are contingent on winning. Call 615-422-7171 or tell George what happened to get advice after a car accident without insurance.

What happens if someone hits you and you don’t have insurance?

When someone hits you and you don’t have insurance you should make a third party insurance claim. Their insurer covers the tab for damages up to the limits of the at fault policy. If damages exceed the limits then the other driver is personally responsible. If an uninsured driver hits you and you don’t have insurance you’ll most likely have to sue the at fault driver. Tennessee insurance polices include Uninsured Motorist Coverage unless it is specifically denied in writing. If you don’t have car insurance then you don’t have a self provided policy to stand in the shoes of the at fault driver. Insurance polices are discussed in more detail here.

Only special circumstances allow disclosure of the existence of liability insurance in court. Tennessee Rules of Evidence prevent the disclosure for the existence or even asking about whether someone has insurance. We cannot make the other person provide their insurance information. The insurance company will not disclose their liability limits. George has methods to discover this useful information.

What should you do if you are involved in a car accident and do not have insurance?

After a car accident with no insurance make sure to identify the other driver and any witnesses. Take pictures. Don’t talk to the other driver about how the wreck happened or your injuries. Seek a medical evaluation. Use health insurance to pay for medical care. Call Personal Injury Attorney George Angelopoulos at 615-422-7171 for a free case review. This is a complex legal situation. An experienced car accident lawyer can really improve your situation.


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No upfront cost and attorney fees are only due after winning. Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyer, George Angelopoulos, is ready to get you results. When you are ready for professional help call 615-422-7171 or request a free consultation online to get started.