Should I talk to the other insurance company after a car accident?

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Should I talk to the other insurance company after a car accident in Tennessee?

No, you should not talk to the other insurance company after a car accident in Tennessee. The other insurance company’s adjuster likely will request a statement promising a quick settlement. Don’t fall for this common trick. The at fault insurance adjuster is trained to get information that will minimize your claim, reduce your damages or deny it completely.

Insurance policies are contracts. As a general rule of law each party to a contract has a duty to cooperate with the other party. However, you are not under contract with the at fault driver’s insurance policy therefore they are not a party and you have no duty to talk with them. Your legal relationship with the other insurance company is through the body of law called ‘Tort’. This relationship is adversarial in nature. This means the at fault insurance company does better when car accident injury victim does worse at final settlement.

The at fault insurance carrier works for their driver, not you. The other insurance company is not at fault for your injuries. They merely have an agreement to pay for losses caused by their insured. However, the other insurance company writes the checks to pay for vehicle repairs, rental cars and compensation for medical bills, lost wages and general damages. Don’t prove your case then they will not pay you. However, provide too much information then you get the short end of the stick.

What should I do when the other insurance company calls?

When the other insurance company calls you should be polite, but not discuss how the car accident happened or your injuries. This is a good sign you should obtain a free car accident consultation. Balancing communication is an important part of your personal injury lawyer’s job. Conversations the attorney has on behalf of client is not admissible in court. However, the conversations an injured party has with the at fault driver, or their agent (the other insurance company), are admissible against you in court.

Stop playing insurance games. Call Car Accident Lawyer George Angelopoulos at 615-422-7171 for all Tennessee car accidents.


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Dealing With An Insurance Adjuster After A Tennessee Car Accident

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