Car Accidents

Should I Go To An Auto Accident Doctor?

Yes, you should go to an auto accident doctor after a wreck. Additionally, not getting medical care creates evidence for the insurance company to say you were not hurt in Tennessee. You may have declined emergency care when ambulance arrived, but a trip to urgent care or other car accident doctor is a smart decision to make now.

Many car wreck injuries do not produce immediate pain. Ligament sprains, muscle strains, whiplash or internal bleeding could have delayed symptoms. Prompt medical attention allows a physician to determine if you are truly injured and how bad after a wreck. It is also an important part of your legal situation.

Auto Accident Lawyer George Angelopoulos

Medical care is expensive. Sometimes people don’t think they are that hurt and try to avoid an auto accident doctor bill. Fortunately, you can use health insurance after a car accident injury in Tennessee. In some cases your auto insurance can cover medical expenses too. Personal Injury Attorney George Angelopoulos provides free advice and referrals to medical providers who provide accident treatment even if you can’t pay the bill today. Call 615-422-7171 or request a free case review to see if we can help today.

How long do you have to go to the doctor after a car accident?

You should see a car accident doctor within three days (72 Hours) of a Tennessee auto accident injury. The timeline between accident and first medical treatment is an important fact. Due to the shock of the car accident, adrenaline rushes through the body. This may result in masking pain or other symptoms. Sooner is always better than later. It is preferred you receive medical treatment immediately after the accident, but if you did not then it is recommend to stop what you are doing and get checked out today. Failure to do so can have bad results.

How To Find An Auto Accident Doctor

  • Act now (do not wait)
  • Follow referrals from any emergency medical doctors.
  • Find a specialist that treats your injury and accepts car accident cases.
  • If you have health insurance use it, but first confirm the specialist is in network.
    • Your health insurance carrier can provide a list of network specialists.
  • If you do not have health insurance confirm the specialist works with injury lawyers.
    • Experienced car accident lawyers have referrals to providers.

Be honest when talking with your auto accident doctor. Provide examples of what causes pain and describe limitations to your daily life. The better your doctor understands your situation, the better they can accurately document, diagnosis and treat injuries.

Follow the prescribed treatment plan. Gaps in treatment are a gift to insurance companies and defense lawyers. Even if your reasons are valid the other side can argue that you are less injured than claimed or even made it worse by not following doctor’s orders.

What kind of doctor should I see after a car accident?

The type of doctor you see depends on the severity and type of injuries. Emergency room doctors, urgent care doctors, primary care physicians and medical specialists are all options.

Emergency Room Doctors

Obvious and serious injuries should be evaluated ASAP. Call (or have someone call) 911 and let Emergency Medical Technicians take you to the closest emergency room. The ER is usually the best option if your auto accident occurred late at night and your injuries got worse quick. Emergency Room Doctors are available in hospitals 24 hours a day, seven days a week and every day of the year. Hospitals have all the diagnostic tools and staff to diagnose and treat injuries.

Urgent Care or Primary Care Doctor

Not all injuries are serious enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. If you decline the ambulance ride then get in front of a local urgent care doctor. Drive yourself, get a ride or hail an Uber. Urgent care clinics usually stay open late and accept walk in patients.

Unfortunately, many primary care doctors do not see patients with car accident injuries. However, if you think you can wait for an appointment and your doctor is willing to evaluate your injury this is an option. Keep in mind, we recommend an initial appointment within 3 days.

Medical Specialist

Doctors may refer you to a medical specialist for treatment or evaluations.This is a sign that your injuries are serious. Medical specialists can reduce the amount of time required to recover. They focus on specific body parts, injury types and are trained on the most effective treatment methods. As an example, Orthopedic doctors help with fractures and ligament or tendon injuries. Chiropractors can help with whiplash and pain management. Neurosurgeons can help with spinal cord injuries.

How Auto Accident Doctors Help

Obviously car accident doctors help those injured recover from injuries. However, it is important to know how car accident doctors can help your legal situation too:

Medical Records

Auto accident doctors made detailed notes about what their patients tell them. This helps the doctor remember what happened and provide a record for subsequent providers. Additionally, medical records are important evidence in personal injury cases. Every doctor keeps a medical record that documents your complaints and provides an independent analysis of your condition. Staying at home or trying to get better on your own does not provide this record. The extent of your injuries, diagnosis, causation and reasonable medical care recommendations are all included. The doctor’s documented opinion of your injuries will have a significant impact on your compensation.

Medical Bills

Auto Accident Doctors can be expensive. The medical bills ssessed by car accident doctors are economic damages recoverable from the at fault party. The extent of your medical bills will impact the amount of money you are eligible to receive. In addition, your doctor may be able to predict how your injury will affect your life in the years to come, which may affect the amount of compensation you receive.

Additionally, your doctor may be able to forecast how your injury will affect your life down the road. Future medical care and limitations are all factors to consider when seeking fair compensation under Tennessee law.

Contact 615 Lawyer

Car accidents can cause a wide range of injuries ranging from scratches to serious injuries. If you were injured in an accident caused by another driver get legal help. Searching for an auto accident doctor means you likely have other questions. Call 615-422-7171 to tell car accident lawyer George Angelopoulos what happened. You can tells us what happened to start your free case review today.

George Angelopoulos

Published by
George Angelopoulos

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