Franklin Failure to Yield Accident Lawyer

Failure to yield accidents often occur when a driver does not understand or does not follow traffic laws. Whether yielding to pedestrians in a crosswalk, yielding to oncoming traffic when making a left-hand turn or yielding to the right of way, understanding laws designed to keep the public safe is required to obtain ad rivers license. If you or someone you love suffered an injury then Franklin failure to yield accident lawyer George Angelopoulos can help. Call 615-422-7171 today to begin your free case review.

Satisfied client testimonials speak volumes to the quality of representation we provide. George is knowledgeable about local car accident and personal injury law. He lives and works in the community he serves. Our team offers guidance and options to ensure medical expenses are paid, lost wages are recouped and negligent drivers are held accountable. Not sure what to do? George knows how to help you take the next steps.

Common Causes of Failure to Yield Crashes

Seasoned drivers know yield signs direct drivers to slow down or stop depending on traffic. Many times drivers see yield signs as optional and choose to ignore the rights of others. Treating an intersection with caution can save lives and causes serious car accidents every year. Other factors that can lead to failure to yield crashes include:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Distractions
  • Driving Under the Influence
  • Failure to follow safety laws

Whether distracted by a mobile phone or simply not focused enough on the road, it can be easy for drivers to find themselves involved in failure to yield accidents when they do not pay attention to their surroundings.

Seeking Compensation for Failure to Yield Accident Injuries

If another driver fails to yield and causes an accident then they may be held liable in civil court. Tennessee law allows people injured in car accidents to pursue compensation from the driver responsible for the wreck. Every case is different, but Franklin failure to yield accident victims frequently pursue damages to cover the costs associated with pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional pain, loss of earning capacity and medical bills. For especially reckless driving courts can award punitive damages to punish the at-fault party and dissuade further accidents. Franklin failure to yield accident lawyer George Angelopoulos will help recover rightful compensation.

Contact an Experienced Franklin Tennessee Car Accident Lawyer

Don’t waste precious time after a car accident. Experienced car accident lawyer George Angelopoulos can help you investigate what happened, learn about your rights, and find out how to take action to protect yourself and get your case fairly resolved.

Call 615-422-7171 and George will provide a free consultation today. No Attorney fee unless we will!


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