Car Accidents

Do you need a lawyer after a car accident in Tennessee?

Do you need a lawyer after a car accident in Tennessee?

No, you are not required to hire a lawyer after a car accident in Tennessee. However, having an experienced car accident lawyer in your corner will likely improve your outcome. The Insurance Research Council’s report titled ‘Auto Injuries: Claiming Behavior and Its Impact on Insurance Costs’ found 85% of all personal injury dollars are paid to those who hired a lawyer. According to the Consumer Panel Survey of Car Accident Victims, ‘Paying for Auto Injuries,’ settlements for car accident victims were 40% higher with the assistance of a car accident lawyer than without representation.

You don’t know what you don’t know. Searching the internet, attending free consultations and talking with confidants will not replace a car accident lawyer‘s detailed approach to your personal injury case. Obtaining admissible evidence is required. Producing medical records and bills may not be enough to prove your damages. Tennessee requires proof of fault to recover compensation.

Missing deadlines can end your car accident case. Tennessee has a one year statute of limitations for personal injury claims and three years for property. Failing to file your lawsuit on time and in the right court will terminate your right to car accident compensation. Insurance company promises do not extend timelines. An experienced car wreck lawyer knows how to navigate deadlines established under Tennessee law. Not to mention Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure (currently 72 rules excluding sub rules)

Personal Injury Damages require proper calculation. It’s hard to know whether you received a fair settlement offer if you don’t know how to calculate damages correctly. Internet damage calculators are not a reliable source of information. Full compensation requires an understanding of the proper amount in your situation. An experienced car accident attorney will make sure no insurance money is left on the table.

Negotiation is a skill acquired by experience. Most Tennessee auto accident injury cases are settled before trial. However, maximizing settlement requires knowing how to get the top dollar offer. Understanding The likelihood winning, the value assessed to similar cases and the coverage of the defendant’s insurance or assets must be weighed at various stages.

Injury Attorney Fees & Costs are only due if you win. Represented clients generally recover more based upon insurance industry reports should make the decision easy. Navigating the legal system alone is called acting ‘Pro Se’. A car accident lawyer is not required to file a lawsuit and obtain a judgment, but keep in mind the insurance company already has a team of lawyers working against your case. If you can obtain more net compensation without the work why would you want to take this risk?

Should I get an attorney after a car accident?

If any of these situations apply to you then call Car Accident Lawyer George Angelopoulos at 615-422-7171. If your situation below is not listed, but you have questions we are happy to listen, tell you what we think and how you should proceed.

1. Your auto accident injuries are serious.

  • If you have broken bones, cuts, bruises or other serious injuries then you should retain a personal injury attorney. If you are reading this because there was a car accident fatality then you definitely need a lawyer. Minor soft tissue injuries still hurt and you are still due compensation. However, some may do better on your own than with a lawyer in the simplest of minor injury clear liability cases.

2. The insurance company is not repairing your vehicle.

  • If the insurance company does not promptly initiate the process of providing a rental car and start your vehicle repair then this is a sign you need a car accident lawyer. We tell our clients the property repair is the easy part. Tennessee law is cut and dry. Our job here is to make sure clients get what they deserve. The attorney does not earn a fee on the vehicle property repair. Should the insurance company make the easiest part of the process difficult imagine what it will be like when you ask them for fair compensation.

3. The adjuster says you are at fault for the car wreck.

  • When the adjuster says you are at fault for the wreck do not loose your cool. The adjuster’s job is to investigate and specifically find things that help their employer, not you. Denying the claim can be legally correct if an injured party failed to prove the other driver was at fault. You have the burden to provide admissible evidence. They have a duty to investigate a claim and issue a response, but the do this from a call center. Lets take a closer look, gather evidence and show them you mean business.

4. You can not go back to work because of the accident.

  • Most everyone I know has a job. Income to pay the mortgage or rent, put food on the table and live life is required. If you cannot go back to work because of car accident injuries then the outcome of your case will likely change your future. Don;t leave this to chance. Put cases where serious economic damages occur in the hands of a trusted and experience car accident lawyer.

5. You were working when the car accident happened.

  • Tennessee law allows third party liability recovery and a workman’s compensation claim to run simultaneously. Work Comp covers the medical care as long as you follow the rules. At the end your employer, through their carrier or case manager, is reimbursed through subrogation. Additionally, this is the opportunity to obtain lifetime care for your injuries and immediate compensation for your losses. A skilled personal injury lawyer knows how to leverage all the benefits to maximize your position after someone else caused you harm.

6. A minor was injured in the wreck.

  • Tennessee courts are required to approve minor settlements in excess of $10,000. The court will decide how the funds will be preserved for the minor. Knowing how to navigate this required process is important. You can do it alone, but you can expect better results on the front end during settlement negotiation and back end court approval process with a lawyer. George Angelopoulos has represented numerous satisfied families with minor children who unfortunately sustained injuries.

George can tell if you need help.

Just ask. At 615 Lawyer if we think you are better off (meaning you get what you need and will likely obtain more money without us) then we will tell you. George is not here to waste your time. This is part of the free consultation. We provide value to our clients. Just look at our long list of 5 star reviews.

George Angelopoulos

Published by
George Angelopoulos

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